Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Running On Empty

Whew.  It has been a long week and it is only Tuesday.  We worked our tails off all weekend staining our deck.  My hand has just recently relaxed out of the position that it was in while holding a paint brush.  I am still walking like a 90 year old because I was hunched over too long, but not to fear, I think that my nightly liquid yoga treatments (a/k/a wine) are slowly doing the trick!  On the up side, the deck looks amazing!  It looks brand new, which gives Eric and I quite a feeling of accomplishment.  Other than that, our weekend was full of cleaning.  We had an appointment to have our house appraised today because we are refinancing (interest rates are off the hook right now!).  I don't know about you, but if I have someone coming to my house with a clipboard and camera the crazy comes flying right out of me.  So after a few days of nonstop cleaning I noticed today that I kept saying to myself, wow, you know it's bad when...

  • You have to use a vacuum to dust out our bathtub (don't judge me, we never use it)
  • Your excitement of the day comes when you warm up coffee that has been sitting out for 8 hours
  • You put on your pajamas at 5:30 p.m.
  • You decide to put off trying the new recipe for dinner tonight because you are too tired and the thought of having to read a recipe makes you want to throw up
  • You want to cry simply because your baby sneezes mid-meal with a mouth full of yams that are now spread all over your freshly vacuumed/mopped kitchen floor
End rant.  

Yes, it has been a long week already, but on the plus side, the house is now spic and span and just in time for our guests this week!  My dad and his best bud Ben are coming out for a few days.  We are looking forward to the brief visit and Sydney loves seeing the grandparents.  

Speaking of Syd, she is still out of this world incredible (in case you were wondering).  Every week is so awesome with her because she is just growing like the cutest fricking weed you've ever seen.  She loves to run around the house with us holding her tiny, little hands.  She thinks it's hysterical and it is my mission in life to get a laugh out of her whenever I can.

Sydney has also been getting really good with her sleep patterns.  I remember not too long ago when I was sure that she was never going to get into any sort of recognizable routine, but I think we are almost there.  She's slept through the night a handful of times already and when she does get up it is usually around 4 or 5 in the morning and she wants to eat and then go back to sleep (at least for a little bit).  I'm pretty happy about that progress.  Also, she is also up to 16.5 lbs!  That is a pound and a half in the last month!  Apparently we are feeding her enough.  We are still, however, on the lookout for teeth.  We have excessive drooling and crankitude (don't look it up, it is my word), but no teeth to show for it yet.  And although I am pretty sure we've been saying that she has been teething since she was about 4 months old, I am almost sure of it this time!

All and all, things are great (sleepy, but great)!

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