Monday, April 2, 2012

Our Life According to Syd...

One of the reasons that I put off starting this blog so long is that I was afraid I wouldn't have time to keep up with it being that our daily schedule around here is pretty loose. As much as I try (and I try a lot) I can't seem to get Sydney on the same schedule everyday. It varies quite a bit depending on what time she wakes in the morning which is dependent on how she slept or didn't sleep during the night. With all that said, I am trying to get into a rhythm with our days and weeks. It will probably take a while for the blog to catch its stride while we tweak it and get into the hang of things.

I am getting really excited about documenting our daily life, especially those monumental days that come with raising a baby! Sydney is nearly 7 and a half months already. Everyone says that you should really try to live in the moment and try not to miss anything because it'll go so fast. Well, I think I've been pretty good about trying to make the most of every second I get with her while she is a baby and I still find that it is flying by. I don't like it one bit, but I try to remember that the older she gets the more she is developing and learning. For instance, Syd is currently standing up on her own at her little play station. She also just started moving around it on her own. Watching her "work the switchboard" as we call it is the best. She's pulling the levers and pushing the buttons and it is amazing to watch. She has this adorable look of concentration and you know that she is figuring something out on her own.

We are so looking forward to Spring in the Roberts' house! Poor Sydney has been cooped up in this house with her barely sane mom for too long. I can't wait to get out on the trails around our house with her. She's getting used to taking walks with me and the dogs and I think she really likes it. We have big plans of working outside in the garden and sitting out in the backyard with a picnic and we can't wait! We have slowly been introducing grass to Syd's tiny toes and I think she's a fan. We want to get the most out of this summer as a family and take advantage of everything Colorado has to offer!

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