Thursday, May 31, 2012


I've have felt in a bit of a slump lately. I've thought it was just that I was tired or uninspired, but I'm starting to think that it is just plain laziness. Just make a decision already! The main question that I've struggled with is what to do professionally when I grow up, oh wait, thats passed already...ok, when I'm done rearing children. It has been a constant thought running in the back of my brain.

I've never had a huge passion to become a, fill in the blank here, but I have had a few things that have been stuck in my brain for most of my adult life. No. 1: study history and do what with it, I don't know. No. 2: become a high school counselor so that I can help kids set goals up for themselves once they graduate. No. 3: become a small business shop, bakery?? I don't know.

Now, it is not at all lost on me that I should have started working towards one of these three options long before the ripe old age of 31. However, that is where I am and there's nothing to be done about it now. I just have to decide and do it.


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